From Vision to Reality: Breaking Down the 5ireChain Roadmap

3 min readDec 26, 2023


As we delve into the intricacies of the 5ireChain roadmap, we’re excited to unveil the progressive steps that define our journey towards a greener and more efficient blockchain ecosystem. Each phase is a testament to our commitment to sustainability and technological advancement, bridging the gap between the digital realm and the real world.

Phase 1: Thunder Testnet Unveiling (Q4 2022)

Our journey began with the Thunder Testnet Alpha launch, offering a sneak peek into the foundational elements of 5ireChain. Closed to the public, this phase marked the emergence of key features:

Q2 2023 brought forth the 5ire IDE, empowering users to deploy solidity-based smart contracts on 5ire’s EVM chain. The dedicated 5ire Wallet Extension for Google Chrome enabled seamless interaction with the 5ire native and EVM chain, including features like transfer, swap, deploy contracts and sign transactions. The Thunder Testnet Beta launch expanded accessibility, introducing Validator & Nominator Apps for staking and bonds.

Phase 2: Journey to Mainnet (Ongoing)

Q1 2024 marks the introduction of the Rewards Mechanism — Sustainable Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) & Reliability. The use of ESG scores for rewards computation and the Sustainability Scores Service further emphasize our commitment to environmental, social, and governance principles. The Thunder Testnet General Availability launch solidifies our progress.

Q2 2024 brings exciting developments, including the Decentralized EVM Bridge, a secure transaction solution for large amounts, Wallet Inheritance, and the unveiling of 5ireScan. The much-anticipated 5ireChain Mainnet Launch incorporates features from Thunder Testnet GA and introduces new functionalities.

Phase 3: Near Future Innovations (Q3 2024 — Q1 2025)

In the near future, we envision the integration of a Carbon Credit dApp and Sustainability Service. The subsequent introduction of the Decentralized Sustainability Corporate Rating (DSCR) Hub and considerations for Laser-Based Quantum-Proof Keys highlight our forward-thinking approach to blockchain technology.

Phase 4: Road to an Integrated Economy (Q2 2025 — Q1 2026)

Q2 2025 marks the initiation of Data Brokerage for Nodes, enabling nodes and data brokers to earn rewards for onboarding and validating reliable, quality data. Q3 2025 introduces the 5ire Enterprise Licensing & dApp Marketplace, fostering an ecosystem for enterprises to navigate the transition from Web2 to Web3.

Q4 2025 emphasizes AI-driven Insights and real-time Monitoring in DSCR, utilizing ESG data for industry-specific use cases. Q1 2026 culminates in a fully interconnected DSCR Hub, implementing advanced AI and ESG use cases, creating a robust infrastructure enriched with 2nd and 3rd-party data partnerships.

Central to 5ire’s vision is the integration of real-world asset (RWA) transactions with the 5ireChain, propelling us toward a sustainable and technologically advanced future in the Web3 space.

Stay tuned as we continue to shape the future together, one milestone at a time.




5ireChain — | Layer-1 EVM Compatible Smart Contract Platform | In Consensus Sustainability