Telegram AMA Recap : Partnerships, Testnet, Airdrops & Other Key Takeaways

2 min readDec 7, 2023


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in today’s illuminating AMA session. Your active involvement is truly invaluable, and we encourage you to persist in sharing constructive feedback, as it is instrumental in shaping our evolving strategy and future initiatives. Our dialogue encompassed a diverse array of topics, offering insight into our overarching strategy and our strong emphasis on creating practical, real-world use cases. Collaborations with esteemed entities like GRO and TCGA underscore our steadfast commitment to engaging with companies that actively contribute to positive impacts in both business and society through the thoughtful application of blockchain technology.

Testnet Airdrop Update

As we’ve shared previously, our active testnet has drawn in millions of users exploring our platform, and your support has been pivotal in this endeavor. While the surge in interest presents short-term considerations, particularly in the context of airdrops, it’s crucial to recognize that what we’ve initiated is merely the initial phase of a comprehensive series of incentive programs. These initiatives are designed to express gratitude to our highly engaged community members who have played a crucial role in our ongoing growth.

Understanding that the net tokens per user might experience a temporary decline due to the influx of individuals interested in building on 5ire, the remarkable 800% growth of the token on the first day stands as a testament to the momentum we’ve successfully generated. This momentum proves to be a significant asset, especially for those who align with and believe in the enduring mission of 5ire.

Furthermore, it’s essential to note that our testnet, designed for developers to explore and innovate, isn’t part of an airdrop campaign. While engagement with the testnet doesn’t guarantee airdrop tokens, your contributions are highly valued and diligently noted. The ongoing testnet ensures that, if an airdrop occurs, it will likely coincide with the mainnet launch, providing an exciting prospect for the entire community.

Looking ahead, our commitment remains unwavering as we continually refine our strategies, introduce additional incentive programs, and cultivate a resilient community that actively contributes to the flourishing growth and success of 5ire. Your enthusiasm and engagement serve as driving forces propelling our progress, and we persist in our dedication to transparent communication and community empowerment. As we collectively embark on this exhilarating journey, we extend an invitation for you to stay tuned for forthcoming updates and initiatives aligned with our shared vision for the future of 5ire.




5ireChain — | Layer-1 EVM Compatible Smart Contract Platform | In Consensus Sustainability