Test Network Updates —Nodes Dry Run, ERC20 Audit & Forkless Upgrade

3 min readDec 21, 2021


Our technical team has been really active over the last several weeks, and we are pleased to report that we are making significant strides on our test network preparation.

The deployment of our dry run test network nodes is one of the most critical accomplishments we have. This was simply an exercise to check that we have the correct manifest, deployment procedures, and communication and collaboration in place for the impending test network launch.

What are Dry Run Test Network Nodes?

These nodes are the real configured set of containers (servers) that will be deployed when the Test Network goes live. This covers all domain name setups, certificates, orchestration setup, and computing resources provisioned.

This exercise helps us in our preparation by identifying any gaps that may affect the deployment, as well as mitigating and planning action items. This reduces the risk of failure once the deployment begins.

What are the artifacts included on the Dry Run Test Network Activity?

In addition to the nodes, we are also deploying the apps which have the explorer, wallet and all governance tools. We’re also deploying the sidecar component that exposes restful API endpoints, a token faucet and all the libraries (JS, Golang and rust).

Forkless Upgrade

The forkless upgrade is a mechanism introduced by substrate to allow core or runtime changes without breaking any instinct functionality. In the blockchain implementation, the definition of fork is similar to a thread where a rogue node can generate blocks of its own when it fails to coordinate with other nodes, which can be the result of upgrading the chain with different configurations. This is a very critical and delicate procedure and documented steps will help us seamlessly upgrade without breaking the chain.

Client Libraries

The client libraries are the main components to allow any developers or integrators to call certain functionalities of the 5ireChain via a platform specific library. We currently have JavaScript, Golang and Rust and we will extend this further by supporting more in the near future.

ERC20 Audit — Now On-Going

In line with the IDO, we have started to work with a third party contract auditor. The auditor will check all potential vulnerabilities of the token contract and report back to the team anything it finds. This allows the team to ensure that the token’s implementation is at par with the global standard and also creates transparency, therefore trust amongst the community.

Notable updates

Release Plan

We have started to update the release plan that will include all the manifest (all components) that we need to deliver.

Wiki/Tech Portal

We have started to work on the wiki/tech portal that will be the main entry point of any technologist who wants to try and experiment with 5ireChain.

Next Steps

Next for us is to continue with our day-to-day testing of all the functionalities to ensure that our test network nodes are in the best shape possible. This includes creating multiple transaction generators to send thousands of transactions on the 5ireChain and measure it’s throughput, transactions per second and its ability to handle loads of data per block.

In addition, we will continue to test the applications, the libraries and do more chaos, regression and negative impact testing so we can identify potential gaps that need to be fixed before we launch.

More information about 5ireChain can be found by clicking on the following links:

Website: https://5ire.org

White paper: https://bit.ly/5ireWP

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/5ireChain

Twitter : https://twitter.com/5irechain

Discord : https://discord.gg/GAWXJKnZQH

Telegram : https://t.me/OfficialFireChain




5ireChain — www.5ire.org | Layer-1 EVM Compatible Smart Contract Platform | In Consensus Sustainability