What is Testnet– From a Developer’s Vantage Point

4 min readNov 22, 2022


Before any new software hits the market, it needs to go through a sort of pick-and-shovel testing. Such a pre-game process allows developers to collect data from a pool of user interaction to troubleshoot any mistakes and fix bugs and other additional problems. In the case of blockchain and crypto, the wheel doesn’t run with a different cog — the same approach applies.

Blockchain developers continually try out new models, features, and functionalities to cope with the rapidly growing industry. To ascertain the successful running of these new implementations, they must first undergo rigorous testing on an environment that would not in any way halt or affect the current functionality of the main blockchain network. Hence, the primary job of the testnet: an essential tool used by developers, programmers, and even users, is to experiment on the protocol of an application without facing the risk of compromising the workability of the main network.

What is a Testnet?

As its name implies, testnet means “testing a network.” It’s a unique tool that serves as a clone of the main network developed by cryptocurrency developers, which can be used to check the reliability of potential upgrades without damaging the infrastructure of the existing network. Despite the testnet and main blockchain being inch-perfect identical, they run parallel to each other on separate blockchains; that’s to say, failures encountered in a testnet environment don’t apply to real-life applications.

A testnet runs independently to the mainnet (the main networks blockchain project exists on.) This “Sandbox” model allows developers to run multiple tests, which accounts for performance comparison and scoreboard durability, and also helps to create a safer and more efficient model for the consumers. As a prototype, a testnet uses valueless tokens and fake money to moderate its protocols. It should not be used to transact any asset with value, making it a riskless endeavor.

Worthy of note: at an advanced level, there are two “climates” of testnet. Whereas the first is a testnet released before the launch of the main network (mainnet), the second is released when the mainnet is already running.

How Does a Testnet Work?

There’s no doubt that the value of a testnet hinges on its worthlessness. In light of this tendency, and to understand how a testnet works, we will delve into understanding some of its benefits, not just to the developer but also to the user.

Sufficiently Safe and Free Testing

As previously mentioned, testnets were created to serve a two-sided function: to allow developers to test new features and functionalities without altering the main network’s performance and add protocols to applications without any cost. To ensure those actions rendered on the testnet blockchain do not affect the original blockchain, developers must create near-identical genesis blocks. Due to these blocks, coins or assets from the testnet can never be transferred to the actual network, eradicating fraudulence.

Low Operational Cost

The evolution of testnets has solved the issue of mining difficulty. Current testnets are designed so that cryptocurrencies are seamlessly mined, making it easy to cancel the value of minted coins. Also, tokens in a testnet hold no value and don’t use tangible assets and cryptocurrencies, as seen in the mainnet, where every operation requires a fee.

Continuous Growth and Development

In recent years, blockchain has become a symbol of unlimited possibilities across different spheres like finance, health, and many more. And to continue on the road of innovation, there’s a need for constant research and development.

Testnets are a platform for developers to build and experiment with their products. Consider the massive disruptions that could be brought to the main network if used for these experiments, which might even damage the project prototype. And since testnets are the same as their original network, it’s enough to guarantee that if a new feature or any other implementation works on the testnet, it will indeed work on the mainnet.

Testnets are also proper educational tools. As developers test the reliability and security of their network on the platform, they inevitably gain a broader understanding of how they can sufficiently and efficiently utilize the network, therefore finding new ways to improve the value of their network.


Testnets are crucial tools in blockchain and cryptocurrency development. They allow developers to test potential upgrades and repair potential damages, which helps them boost the value of their products. Most importantly, it enables users to try out new functionalities without having to face the risk of losing money during the experiment since they use tokens and coins that do not hold any real-life value.

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Written by 5ireChain

5ireChain — www.5ire.org | Layer-1 EVM Compatible Smart Contract Platform | In Consensus Sustainability

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